Black-eyed peas and spinach (Φασόλια μαυρομάτικα με σπανάκι)

Black-eyed peas and spinach, or fasolakia mavromatika me spanaki, is a classic Greek meal popular in the Peloponnese region of Greece. It is made with fresh spinach, black-eyed peas, onion, tomato sauce and olive oil.

Black-eyed peas and spinach

This recipe is a staple in the Peloponnese, and with good reason. It is so delicious and so easy. The combination of greens and black-eyed peas is not only seen in Greek cooking. There are many food cultures which enjoy this amazing combination, like the American south and Caribbean cuisine.

Why I love this recipe

I know, I know, I have probably already told you that some other dish I have previously written about is my absolute favourite…but here I go again!  Black-eyed peas and spinach is my true absolute favourite food (until the next favourite comes along that is).

Black-eyed peas are not only delicious, but they are also nutritious. They contain significant amounts of iron, are great sources of protein and fiber, and are good sources of calcium and Vitamin A.  All this for less than 200 calories in a one cup serving.  That’s not a lot of calories for a food which will keep you full and satisfied for hours; legumes do that.

Black-eyed peas and spinach
Black-eyed peas and spinach

Key ingredients

Black-eyed peas High is protein and fiber, these beans have a slightly smoky flavour. They are smaller than kidney beans but slightly larger than navy beans.

Spinach I use fresh spinach; in the summer I use the spinach which grows in my parents’ garden. Otherwise, I buy fresh spinach at the market. I either buy boxed baby spinach or loose leave spinach depending upon what is fresher.

Parsley A very popular and flavourful herb; I use flat leaf parsley.

Onion I use yellow onion – the flavour and texture hold up well to cooking.

Olive oil I use Greek olive oil.

Tomato sauce or juice Whenever possible I use homemade tomato sauce using my parents’ recipe. Otherwise I use a good quality tomato passata, or strained tomatoes. You can also use tomato juice.

Salt & pepper Basic seasonings to enhance the flavour of any dish.


How to make


Soak Rinse the black-eyed peas and pick through them to remove any stones or shrivelled up peas.  Soak in cold water overnight.


Step 1Boil beans
Drain black-eyed peas.  Bring pot of water to a boil and add the black-eyed peas.  Lower to medium-high heat and boil for one hour.  Check your pot occasionally and remove any foam which may rise to the surface of the water. After one hour, check that the black-eyed peas are fully cooked.  If they are not, allow to cook a little longer until they are edible.  Drain the peas and set aside.


Step 2Prepare spinach
Meanwhile, wash the spinach and cut off any thick or course stems.


Step 3Saute
In a large pot heat the oil and add the onion.  Cook over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the onion does not burn. Add the parsley to the pot and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.


Step 4 Combine and cook
To the pot add the spinach (the spinach will be wet from having been washed…this is fine), drained black-eyed peas, tomato sauce or juice and salt and pepper.  Mix well. Allow to cook, covered, over medium high heat for approximately 20 minutes.  Stir often, to prevent the bottom from sticking.


Recipe substitutions

Use canned beans
To make this simple dish even simpler, use canned black-eyed peas. Two 15 ounce cans of beans will be enough; drain and rinse well before using.

Cooking tips and helpful hints

When you purchase your dried black-eyed peas try to buy them in a place with a high bean turnover.  Although dried legumes don’t spoil per se, if they are very old they may take a much longer time to cook.  In a pinch, you can use good quality canned black-eyed peas.  Simply rinse them very well to remove the excess salt and limit the amount of salt you will add to your meal.  Although I usually recommend using dried legumes over canned, truth is, if you use canned here you have cut your cooking time down by at least an hour.  Sometimes, that is essential!

This recipe calls for a total of 30 ounces of spinach.  When you are washing your spinach, make sure to pick out any wilted or yellow leaves.  The water which will cling to the leaves of your spinach after washing it is important, as it will add just the right amount of water to your pot when you combine all of the ingredients.

If you have homemade tomato sauce, you can use that in this recipe.  Otherwise, a good quality canned or bottled tomato juice will do.

Black-eyed peas and spinach

Frequently asked questions

How long should I soak my beans?

I tend to soak my dry beans for 12 hours or overnight. I cover them with plenty of cold fresh water and leave them on a counter covered lightly with a clean cloth. The next day I drain and rinse them before cooking.

Do I really need to soak my black-eyed peas?

Technically, no. However if you don’t soak your beans they will take longer to cook and will likely maintain a firmer texture than if they had been soaked.

What happens to the spinach after cooking?

The spinach becomes luxurious and smooth. It really is delicious and has great flavour and texture.

Recipe variations

Instead of using spinach you can make this meal with another green, or a combination of greens. Collard greens, chicory, or kale would work well.

How to serve

A colleague at work once made this recipe and served it on top of pasta. This is a great idea if you want this recipe to serve more people. Any short or long pasta would work well.

Be sure to serve this meal with lots of fresh bread (you can use one of my favourite bread recipes). Add some marinated olives on the side, and maybe even some herb marinated feta, and you have a great Greek meal.

Here are some more recipes using black-eyed peas:

Grilled zucchini salad with corn and black-eyed peas

Black-eyed pea soup with kale

Black-eyed pea salad

Grilled zucchini salad with corn and black-eyed peas
The easiest and best vegetable minestrone soup recipe with beans and pasta.
Black-eyed pea salad (Σαλάτα με μαυρομάτικα φασόλια)
Black-eyed peas and spinach
Black-eyed peas and spinach

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Black-eyed peas and spinach

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Black-eyed peas and spinach, in a white bowl, pictured with bread and olives

Black eyed peas and spinach

Black-eyed peas and spinach, a classic vegan meal popular in the Peloponnese region of Greece.
4.75 from 4 votes
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Course: Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine: Greek
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Soaking time: 12 hours
Servings: 4 people
Calories: 483kcal
Author: Mia Kouppa


  • 1 cup dry black-eyed peas
  • 30 ounces fresh spinach
  • 1 cup chopped, flat leaf parsley
  • 1 yellow onion, chopped finely
  • 1/2 cup Greek olive oil
  • 2 cups tomato juice or sauce
  • 1 ¼ teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper


  • Rinse the black-eyed peas and pick through them to remove any stones or shrivelled up peas.  Soak in cold water overnight.
    1 cup dry black-eyed peas
  • Drain black-eyed peas.  Bring pot of water to a boil and add the black-eyed peas.  Lower to medium-high heat and boil for one hour.  Check your pot occasionally and remove any foam which may rise to the surface of the water. After one hour, check that the black-eyed peas are fully cooked.  If they are not, allow to cook a little longer until they are edible.  Drain the peas and set aside.
  • Meanwhile, wash the spinach and cut off any thick or course stems.
    30 ounces fresh spinach
  • In a large pot heat the oil and add the onion.  Cook over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the onion does not burn. Add the parsley to the pot and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
    1 cup chopped, flat leaf parsley, 1 yellow onion, chopped finely, 1/2 cup Greek olive oil
  • To the pot add the spinach (the spinach will be wet from having been washed…this is fine), drained peas, tomato juice and salt and pepper.  Mix well. Allow to cook, covered, over medium high heat for approximately 20 minutes.  Stir often, to prevent the bottom from sticking.
    2 cups tomato juice or sauce, 1 ¼ teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon pepper
  • Enjoy!



Calories: 483kcal | Carbohydrates: 45g | Protein: 19g | Fat: 29g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 20g | Sodium: 1068mg | Potassium: 2128mg | Fiber: 12g | Sugar: 10g | Vitamin A: 21480IU | Vitamin C: 93mg | Calcium: 327mg | Iron: 12mg

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