Olive oil and lemon sauce (Λαδολέμονο)

The classic Greek sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and oregano that goes on almost everything! Called ladolemono, this simple recipe elevates delicious food to a whole other level!

Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.

In Greek ladi means oil and lemoni is lemon, hence the name of this sauce. The only other thing to add is dry Greek oregano. The aroma and flavour of this sauce just cannot be beat!

Why this recipe works

When Greeks grill meat or fish, any meat or fish, it typically receives the same treatment: cook until done, pile everything onto a platter, and dress immediately with a generous combination of olive oil, oregano and freshly squeezed lemon juice.  This sauce (for lack of a better word…Can you think of a better word?…Maybe dressing?) coats everything, and mixes together with the juices coming from the grilled goods to create something fantastic.

Key ingredients

There are only a few ingredients used to make ladolemono, so be sure that they are the best quality ingredients you can find.

Olive oil – I only use Greek olive oil. Purchase your olive oil carefully, and spend a little more if you have to in order to ensure that you are getting a pure product.

Lemon juice – Freshly squeezed is always preferable.

Dry oregano – Again, I only use dry Greek oregano. You can find this in Greek or Mediterranean markets, or online. Of course, if you can find a way to get it straight from Greece, all the better!

How to make it

The directions could not be easier – combine all ingredients in a jar and shake to combine. Alternatively you can combine everything in a bowl, and whisk.

Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.
Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.
Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.

Helpful hints

There is probably nothing simpler than preparing this sauce.  Three ingredients, which you likely already have in your pantry (and if you don’t…what are you waiting for), either whisked together or shaken in a jar.  It is so simple, that this post does not even warrant an official section for Helpful hints…but I do have some advice.

If you will be grilling meats or fish, making a side of tzatziki is a very good idea.

This recipe for ladolemono is really meant to represent the ratio of olive oil to lemon juice to oregano.  If you want to make more of this sauce, simply increase the amounts of each ingredient equally.  You can also increase slightly the amount of lemon juice, if you prefer your sauce to be more tart, although I recommend you start with my ratios and work from there.

Also, something magical happens when this sauce of lemon, olive oil and oregano meets the grilled meat and fish.  For this reason, be generous with the amount you use because, at the bottom of your platter, you will find that this sauce has mingled with the juices of what has been cooked, and any spices you may have used.  Take a piece of fresh bread, dip (actually…soak), and eat.  Marvel at how magnificent this is.

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Frequently asked questions

How long does the olive oil and lemon sauce stay fresh?

I usually make the ladolemono right before using it, but you can definitely make it ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator for up to one week.

When would you use Greek ladolemono sauce?

Any time you want to enhance the flavour of your grilled, fried or even roasted meats, fish or poultry you can pour on a generous amount of ladolemono. It is equally delicious on grilled vegetables like grilled zucchini.

Here are some recipes that I like to use ladolemono sauce on:

Grilled lamb chops

Grilled steak (Στέικ)

Chicken souvlaki

Perfect recipe for marinated and grilled lamb chops for any occasion.
Grilled steak
Marinated chicken breasts which make an amazing chicken brochette.
Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.

Olive oil and lemon sauce. An easy and delicious recipe of only 3 ingredients, to liven up your grilled meat or fish.

Olive oil and lemon sauce (Ladolemono)

The traditional Greek topping for everything from grilled meats to vegetables
5 from 1 vote
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Course: Sauce
Cuisine: Greek
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1 half cup
Calories: 652kcal
Author: miakouppa


  • mason jar, or any other container with lid


  • 1/3 cup Greek olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon dried Greek oregano
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice


  • Combine all ingredients into a mason jar, close with lid and shake well until mixed together and emulsified.
    1/3 cup Greek olive oil, 1 teaspoon dried Greek oregano, 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • Ladolemono can be served over grilled, fried or roasted meats and vegetables. Enjoy!


Note: The nutritional value is for the entire 1/2 cup of ladolemono.


Calories: 652kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 0.3g | Fat: 72g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g | Monounsaturated Fat: 53g | Sodium: 2mg | Potassium: 72mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 37IU | Vitamin C: 17mg | Calcium: 35mg | Iron: 1mg

Thanks for sharing!


  1. mmm. . . this sauce sounds lovely.

    1. miakouppa says:

      Thank you Sheryl 🙂

  2. Can you -premake this and store in fridge?how long would it keep?

    1. miakouppa says:

      Absolutely! In the fridge it will keep several days. For longer storage, we have also frozen in and that works well too!

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