Easy Taramosalata


Easy Taramosalata

Taramosalata is a dip, or spread, made of carp roe called tarama. The tarama is usually combined with with either potatoes or with bread.

Key Ingredients

yellow onion

lemon juice

and more...

Add the yellow onion, lemon juice, tarama and 1 cup of the oil to your blender. Blend at medium speed.

Step 1

With your blender still running, slowly pour in the remaining oil, 1/2 cup at a time. Keep blending until the taramosalata achieves a light and fluffy consistency.

Step 2

- Store the taramosalata in the refrigerator where it will keep fresh for at least 1 week. - It is absolutely delicious spread on bread, used as a dip for crackers or veggies.

Easy Tips

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