Baked Squash Fritters

Baked Squash Fritters

The literal translation from Greek is squash meatballs, but that sounds weird.  We thought about squash fritters, but since there is no battering or frying involved, that didn’t seem right.

Key Ingredients



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Peel and grate your squash. Drain and place in a bowl. Combine with the rest of the ingredients.

Step 1

Once everything is well combined, take a heaping tablespoon of the mixture and form a ball.

Step 2

Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet and flatten slightly with your hand, or spatula so that each piece is about 1/2 inch thick.

Step 3

Bake for approximately 50 minutes or until golden brown on the underside. Remove pan from oven and let cool for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step 4

- You can prepare your squash the day before, keeping it in the refrigerator. - To help remove as much water as possible, set a plate over the squash and weigh it down with a heavy can or two.

Easy Tips

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